Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My Tech Week Essentials

Tech week can be a long process...especially in tech heavy shows with lots of moving parts (like the Secret Garden).  Lots of late nights mean our dressing rooms have to be filled with things that make us feel good.  Here are my tech week essentials that you'll always find in my dressing room.

Alka Seltzer Plus Tablets -for staying healthy, and keeping colds at bay among sick cast mates
Magazines - for reading during offstage time.
Mini Notebook - for jotting down blocking changes and director's notes.
Cheese Its - my current backstage snack.
Super Chill Sparkling Water - Keeps me hydrated backstage when I want a little flavor in costume.
Organic Throat Coat Tea - Soothes my throat after a long day of singing or when I'm feeling tired.
Silk Robe - for covering up during snack breaks or when wandering around in a corset and tights.
Vitamin Water Zero 

That's what's in my backstage bag on any given day.  What's in yours?


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